Informamos sobre estos 5 cursos webinarios que dará la Profesora Debbie Hess Norris sobre Conservación de Fotografías en Heritage Preservation. La inscripción esta abierta hasta el 30 de abril.
Deberán completar la solicitud «permission form» con su nombre, institución o práctica privada u organización donde estudia y la firma y mandarla a: <heritagepreservationdc@gmail.com>
Dear All,
Thank you for registering for, “Caring for Photographs,” a free, online course in the Caring for Yesterday’s Treasures—Today series. I look forward to meeting many of you “online” in May.
This course will address the full range of activities involved in caring for photographs from historic print and negative processes; degradation characteristics; best practices for storage and exhibition; emergency response; advocacy; and fundraising. We have now set the dates for this five-part course. See the full schedule below. More information may be found on the course Web page: http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=26493a4234&e=b9a1818511. I want to be certain that these presentations are as helpful and relevant as possible. In doing so, it would be wonderful to incorporate images from your collections (identified or anonymous – your choice) to illustrate the range of photographs, collections care concerns, and preservation strategies across the nation and beyond. Please send any images you’d like shared with the group to mailto:heritagepreservationdc@gmail.com?subject=Caring%20for%20Photographs no later than March 25, 2013. I would also appreciate knowing what questions you have about the care of photographs at your institution and specific topics of interest so I can adjust my presentation accordingly. Click here to complete a simple, two-question survey or email us. Finally, I am excited to learn that we have some registrants outside of the U.S. This is one of the many benefits of online teaching. I have had the great fortune to lecture on photograph preservation in small and large cultural institutions worldwide, and I anticipate that there are many similarities among your photographic holdings. I only wish we could gather live in one setting …. one with palm trees!
All the best, Debra Hess Norris
Henry Francis DuPont Chair of Fine Arts Chair and Professor,
Art Conservation DepartmentDirector, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation
University of Delaware
Course Schedule: Webinar 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of PhotographsTuesday, May 7, 20131:00-2:30 p.m. (EDT) Webinars 2 and 3: Technological Development of PhotographyThursday, May 9, 2013 and Thursday, May 16, 20131:00-2:30 p.m. (EDT) Webinar 4: Preventive Care of PhotographsTuesday, May 21, 20131:00-2:30 p.m. (EDT) Webinar 5: Advocating for the Care of PhotographsThursday, May 23, 20131:00-2:30 p.m. (EDT)